Cultural exchange in Saint Petersburg and Moscow, Russia : RUSSIAN FEDERATION

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Cultural exchange in Saint Petersburg and Moscow, Russia

Saint petersburg, Moscow

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Cultural exchange in Saint Petersburg and Moscow, Russia

Località: Saint petersburg, Moscow
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Tip: Do not miss! I did a cultural exchange and I spent 13 days in St. Petersburg in a family and 2 days in Moscow in a hotel. Russia is beautiful not only for its monuments, including the diversity of culture that exists and for the friendliness of its citizens, the Russians have much sympathy for us and for Italy! On the impact the first thing that amazes you is that you seem to be back in time, in Italy in the 50s or 60s! The machines are often old and all white, the enormous rise residential buildings and not treated (eg. There is the manager or the conception that the landing should be cleaned every so often and so on. In all scales and the common areas there is the dust when they built the casermone!), the per capita income of most of the population is much less than ours but jump immediately notice the new rich that run with macchinoni sometimes followed by the light!
Posts do not miss: beyond the historic center of St. Petersburg and Moscow, Nuovgorod (non so se si scrive così) where we are the oldest icons of the country, and Pushkin was built where the summer residence of the Tsar!
Tips and useful info:
1. attention to cross the street on foot because the Russians have a habit of not stopping for pedestrians who are often under even without receiving help;
2nd Disco searched seizing more than any person entering that medicines (such novalgina, aspirin, etc..) even chewing gum, if you see attractive girls dancing alone on the track, take care who are prostitutes and I advise you to behave with education, because the bouncers no joke, Menano;
3rd if you enter into a pet shop do not be surprised if you see large sales in pantegane, Russia "our hamsters" are represented by huge rat cage to be used;
4th Russians girar mainly with illegal taxi but it is always advisable perndere those in good standing even if some are 'more because they are safer (I was forced to rise at 5 am on one from my abusive partner who is not could afford one in rule and did not want me to pagassi, are people of heart but I have done below! allla end because it's like getting in the car with a stranger);
5th de, take the train and make a long distance even at night, I recommend chiudetevi into the berth with a lock because it happens very often that robberies occur. Trivia: For the earth, in the corridors of trains, there are carpets and each compartment has its curtains of white "lace" on the windows and a small jar with a flower;
Finally, if you are in doubt .... and put them by andateci it deserves!


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